
Murdoch McMath & Mitchell was founded in 1835 when William Murdoch set up business in Huntly to provide a legal service to the community in and around Huntly. Our loyal clientele are now world wide. Since that time there have been many changes to legal services but the dedication to clients and their needs has continued.

Today we use "state of the art" computer systems and a full range of information media, which allows us to conduct business on behalf of clients and keep in constant contact by e-mail, fax, telephone wherever clients may be. We have not forgotten that people still enjoy a "face to face" service and our offices at 27/29 Duke Street, Huntly, comprise a modern window display featuring our properties, our Law/Property Shop where clients and members of the public are free to obtain details of any properties they may be interested in. 

There are facilities for meeting those with disabilities or who have difficulty negotiating our stairs in a convenient downstairs Office. Our offices, cash room and all enquiries relating to our legal and other services are dealt with on the first floor.

We are located in the centre of Huntly and are ideally placed a short distance from Huntly Square where there are parking facilities.


We are Clerks and Treasurers of this highly regarded Residential Home for the Elderly which was incorporated by Private Act of Parliament of 1868 to benefit the elderly and infirm of Huntly and district and which has restricted admission. For more information please contact us or visit our 'Eventide Home' page.


Our now deceased Senior Partner, Mr. John A. Christie was Clerk to Huntly Fishings since 1966 until several years ago when our current Senior Partner, Gordon J. Christie, took over the roll.  In 1975, Huntly Town Council, with commendable vision, ensured that for all time both Residents and Visitors could enjoy excellent sport on the River Deveron and tributaries, the Bogie and the Isla. For further details see our local fisheries page.